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Not Quite Winter. Not Quite Spring. But You Can Still Save Money at Home.

Our mission of smarter energy use for all includes helping you save money at home, especially with the bizarre and extreme weather we’ve had this year. The following easy tips will help you reduce energy use and save, whether you rent an apartment in a large building or own a single family home.

Beware of Phantom Load

Unplug electric chargers, computers, televisions, and other equipment when not in use. These devices use electricity even when they are not in use. Turning off these devices overnight will be the most convenient way to save the most. To manage the power use of multiple devices easily, plug them into a surge protector, power strip, or a Modlet (a device that enables users to set saving schedules and better control energy use).

Light for Less

When lighting your home, brighter isn’t always better. To avoid wasting energy, select bulbs and light fixtures based on the needs of a particular space. Add task lights such as desk lamps or reading lamps in areas that need to be brighter, and reduce the brightness of general lighting. When possible, open shades to take advantage of natural daylight. Cut your lighting cost by replacing incandescent bulbs with more efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or LEDs. Turn off the lights whenever you leave a room. Install electric timers on exterior lighting, and add dimmers or occupancy sensors to your home’s lighting system.

Manage Your Laundry

To help reduce utility bills, always wash full loads of laundry and use cold water whenever possible. You’ll save water and energy, and won’t have to run as many loads. Make sure the dryer doesn’t keep running after your clothes are dry. Use the automatic shutoff setting, or set the timer for the shortest amount of time needed. Consider drying clothes on a drying rack or on a clothesline when we get another warm, sunny day.

Manage Your Thermostat

If you have control of your thermostat, setting your thermostat to a lower temperature in the winter (so you are using less heat) will save you money on your utility bills. Set your temperature as low as is comfortable in the winter and as high as is comfortable in the summer. We also recommend lowering (or raising, depending on the season) the temperature five to ten degrees before going to bed and when leaving home for more than four hours.

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