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The Bright Side of Community Solar in Illinois

WhatIsCommunitySolarIn Illinois, the majority of households are not able to install solar panels directly on their home. Sometimes this is due to the prohibitive costs associated with installing a solar array or because of a lack of an adequate roof. Yet, even with a suitable roof, more than 40 percent of households in Cook County can’t invest in solar energy simply because they rent, rather than own the building.

Enter community solar. It’s a way for anyone to access solar power, even if they rent, own a condo, have a shaded house, or just can’t afford to install a full solar array on their home. With community solar, more people can reap the benefits of solar energy by accessing shared solar arrays. These arrays can be built on many types of buildings or even empty lots – including on residential, commercial, or industrial buildings, as well as public, private, or community-owned parcels.

Community solar. Now that’s what we call smarter energy use for all.

Click on the infographic at left for more on community solar.

First Comes Energy Efficiency, Then Comes Solar

Energy efficiency improvements are the best way to save energy, reduce your utility bills, and make your home more comfortable, year-round. Homeowners or building owners who have already invested in efficiency improvements should also consider installing solar electric and solar thermal systems to further reduce their utility bills and environmental impact. Dramatic reductions in price coupled with tax credits and Illinois rebates and incentives have made residential renewable energy systems cost-effective. We can assist you in finding a qualified contractor; contact us at



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