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Real-Life Home Improvement Stories

We love hearing your firsthand stories. This week, we read two great accounts of how friends and neighbors came together to learn how to make their own homes cozier and more energy efficient. Thanks for sharing!

This homeowner wanted to improve her “leaky old ship” of a home and discovered an energy loss culprit.

Keri received a free home energy assessment by hosting a house party through Energy Impact Illinois. Friends and neighbors gathered at her home and followed a contractor around the property as he checked for energy loss (using some pretty cool tools) and recommended improvements. Here’s what Keri’s planning to do next to make her home warmer, cozier, and more energy efficient.

Lessons from a single house party benefit an entire community.

In Calumet Heights, the 89th and Ridgeland Block Club tells a story of how they shared weatherization benefits with their community. Around 40 people gathered at a house party where attendees recognized how the assessment could benefit their comfort and savings at their own homes, many of which are similar mid-century modern residences that also lack efficient air sealing and insulation. One attendee said, “The house party was very well done. My wife and I enjoyed seeing the improvements made to the house and we both learned a lot about ways to reduce our energy bills.”

Have your own story to share? We’d love to hear it. Please get in touch with us via @Elevate_Energy or

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