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A Clear Picture of Clean Energy in Illinois

Clean energy is as much about how we use energy as it is about how we produce it. In other words, energy efficiency matters.

Energy efficiency is also a strong and growing part of the Illinois economy.

That’s just one finding from Clean Energy Trust’s new survey, Clean Jobs IllinoisTM, the first comprehensive survey of the clean energy industry in Illinois. The survey seeks to provide a better understanding of employment in the clean energy sector. It finds that the sector employs nearly 100,000 workers in the state.

The survey looks at 415 Illinois clean energy businesses and finds that energy efficiency is the primary focus for 62 percent of clean energy firms. Energy efficiency products and services provided include:

  • HVAC and building controls
  • Lighting
  • Energy efficient building materials
  • Weatherization services
  • Energy efficient processes and machinery
  • Smart grid (smart computing/software)
  • Energy efficient appliances
  • Energy storage
  • Water and wastewater technologies related to conserving energy
  • Demand response services

As an organization, Elevate Energy knows that energy efficiency helps families and businesses lower costs and protect the environment. Clean Jobs Illinois further demonstrates the economic impact that energy efficiency has in our state.

A few other takeaways from the survey:

  • Clean Energy Is an Important Part of Our Economy. Illinois’ clean energy industry employs 96,875 workers. For the study, clean energy was defined as energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean or alternative transportation, and greenhouse gas management.
  • Clean Energy Has a Strong Future. The clean energy industry is projected to grow by 9 percent this year. Many sectors experienced rapid growth in 2013, including energy efficiency, which grew by 3 percent.

The Clean Jobs Illinois survey was conducted by BW Research Partnership, and commissioned and developed by Clean Energy Trust in partnership with Environmental Entrepreneurs, the Environmental Law & Policy Center, and the Natural Resources Defense Council. Elevate Energy contributed to the project.

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